

  • Genre: Simulation
  • Platform: PC
  • Engine: Unity
  • Language: C#
  • Group Size: 3 Members
  • Date: 2023
  • Duration: 1 Week
  • Roles: Lead Programmer, Game Designer


This game is part 2 of 4 of the experimental game design prototype series where each week we make a new game around a new theme. This week's theme is trust and distrust between the player and the game. The main dynamic of the game would be to gently and subtly make the player realize that it is really difficult to win the game. Once this realization sets in, the player would be compelled to start cheating by faking some of the ingredients. By doing so, the game would also start cheating back in different ways. This creates a back and fourth feedback loop where it feels like an argument between the player and the game. No text is used to communicate anything in the game and it is all done through non-verbal communication.


You play as a witch that has to sell a large amount of potions to make enough money to pay off her debt before its due in five days. Time is short and the process is long and tiresome, it would be fine if you take some shortcuts, right?