As the lead programmer during the development of Mandragora, I worked on the full backend of the game which includes the Level System, Sound System and Game State which includes all the states of the game; Menu, Gameplay, Win and Lose. In terms of gameplay programming, I worked on the Tutorial System, 3C and the interaction system including all mini games. As a game designer, I designed the initial concept of the game and actively worked on the different systems of the game focusing primarily on dynamics. Also, I fully designed and built the level used in Mandragora.
Mandragora is a co-op simulation game where you play as twin witches that work at Mandragora Daycare for magical creatures. Your job is to take care of the needs of different magical creatures and deliver them to their owners before they turn into monsters and cause a disaster. Time is of the essence and the creatures are infamous trouble makers so make sure to finish your work without any accidents before any of them turn into a monster. Cooperation and coordination is the key to success otherwise the creatures will make short work of you!