

  • Genre: Puzzle
  • Platform: PC
  • Engine: Unity
  • Language: C#
  • Group Size: 3 Members
  • Date: 2023
  • Duration: 1 Week
  • Roles: Lead Programmer, Game Designer


This game is part 3 of 4 of the experimental game design prototype series where each week we make a new game around a new theme. This week's theme is making fun and rich failure mechanics. The main mechanic of the game is the potion crafting which entails the player mixing different quantities of different ingredients following a recipe to craft a specific potion. The ability to add different quantities helps avoid binary design and allows for higher player expression through mechanics. Crafted potions can have either a negative or positive effect on the client. Upon creating multiple potions with negative effects in a row, the problems would start stacking up instead of replacing each other. With the recipes providing the player with incomplete information and being careful designed, the player is bound into creating a cascade of problems for each client. This is the core dynamic of the game. It creates a rich interactive failure mechanic which was for me an attempt at breaking out of my safe space of design.


Use the recipe book and combine ingredients to create potions to help customers fix their problems. The player can freely choose how many ingredients to put in the cauldron, but using too many or too few may cause new problems for the customer.