Behavior Arises


  • Type: Tech Demo
  • Platform: PC
  • Engine: Unity
  • Language: C#
  • Date: 2022
  • Duration: 4 Weeks


Behavior Arises is a tech demo I made as an educational experience for learning the theory behind Behavior Trees and how to build them. For testing my implementation, I made a 2D turn based game fully running by AI agents. My implementation was inspired by the behavior trees of Unreal Engine which led to me attempting to implement different enhancements to my version that greatly improved its performance. Such enhancement is the fact that the tree does not execute and evaluate all nodes from the root until the leaf each single frame. Instead, its broken into execution tick and evaluation tick which helps breaking behavior into a "thinking" stage and an "acting" stage which makes agents behave more naturally. This also allows for executing only a small subset of the tree in the execution tick until the evaluation tick decides that another subset should be the new behavior. Lastly, a Blackboard class was also made to use in the behavior tree which was also a good learning experience on how to build generic containers.